
After much dithering and changing my mind, I have decided to keep it simple for my very first post on this blog and simply introduce myself.

My name is Amy and I am a book addict. Despite the fact that I have just spent the past three years of my life studying for a degree in English which, surprise surprise, involved reading a serious amount of novels, works of criticism, and articles, I still find myself spending an inordinate amount of time reading pretty much anything I can get my hands on. What can I say? I’m clearly a glutton for punishment. This continuing love of reading is what has led to the creation of this blog. I find myself missing thinking critically on what I have read and then putting those reflections into sentences and paragraphs, crafting arguments and justifying my opinions. So that, among other things, is what you’ll find here.

As I begin my blogging journey, look out for book and film reviews, posts about days out and the odd personal update as I search for my first adult job. I have no idea where this will end, so stick around and find out with me!

In order to prove my literary credentials, here's me as a serious 11 year old dressed up as Matilda for NYE
In order to prove my literary credentials, here’s me as a serious 11 year old dressed up as Matilda for NYE!

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